Bibliography - Major Features about Sean

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(sorted chronologically)

Daily Mail Weekend Mag The rough with the smooth/fc Tough Love David Thomas 3 Mar 07 pic's: SB; Richard Sharpe/Wives/Daughters/Boromir/OutlawA few years ago I interviewed the actress Samantha Bond when she was appearing opposite Sean Bean in a stage production of Macbeth. She showed me a swelling on her upper lip. "Look" that's a blood b
Woman Sean's back in the saddle Paula Kerr 17 Apr 06 pics (SB various)Up close, Sean Bean has the most amazing blue-green eyes and chiselled jaw. Women can't help staring at him. But despite his looks and a string of Hollywood movies...
Daily Telegraph I do my work and if things work out, they work out Cassandra Jardine 14 Mar 06 pic: Bean went to the States to escape being typecast...Sean Bean has spent much of the past eight years in Hollywood, but you wouldn't know it. If I had to give marks out of 10 for glossiness to the man sitting opposite me in a North London cafe...
Yorkshire Post Bean accepts the Sharpe Challenge/ fc Exclusive: SB I'll never live... Tony Earnshaw Fri Feb 3 06 pic: Bean fest: Sean Bean... (several)He shakes my hand, offers me a beer and immediately turns his attention to the satellite sports channels on the TV in his suite in London's Dorchester Hotel. Sean Bean is working on promoting North Country...
Brisbane Courier Mail Weapon of choice Andy Dougan 7 Aug 05 pic: Sean Bean, above right, and with Jodie FosterSean Bean is having a day off. Or at least he thought he was until he ended up doing this interview. But that's the way it's been for the last 18 months for the former welder... (reprint of Herald Mag art
The Herald Magazine Sean Bean turned his back on life as a tough guy... Andy Dougan 7 Aug 05 pic: These days he's a Hollywood star... (SB, Flightplan; daughters; various)Sean Bean is having a day off. Or at least he thought he was until he ended up doing this interview. But that's the way it's been for the last 18 months for the former welder wh
Film Review Anniv Spl #59 Mean Bean Andy Dougan 3 Aug 05 pics: (various SB); Bean with co starsThere was a time when James Brown, the Godfather of Soul himself, used to boast about the hardest working man in showbusiness... but Sean Bean is emerging as a serious contender
Los Angeles Times - Calendar God save the Bean Linda Blandford Tue Jul 12, 05 pic: Sitting pretty: The London tabloids treat Sean Bean, above in Manhattan...It is the dream of most british actors to work in Hollywood... The more mysterious case in "The Island" is Sean Bean. He is one of the biggest stars in Britain. From the time
Vogue Sheffield Steel Christa D'Souza Jun 04 pic: SB tried his hand at the welding tradeSmokers are always saying they are going to give up. Sean Bean is no exception. Today is the day he's vowed never to put another cigarette in his mouth ever again.
Daily Express How the other Mr Bean is becoming a Hollywood leading man Simon Edge 17 May 04 pic: SB Heroic: His latest role, as Odysseus, LOTR, SharpeAmid the critical brickbats that have soared over the battlements of the Hollywood epic Troy, there is good news for one heart-throb British actor in the cast
The Times T2 sup Being angry is a great release Andrew Billen Oct 22 2002 pic: Sean Bean: I don't think Macbeth is a particularly evil man...Theatre Critics don’t get out much, or rather they get out all the time but only to the theatre. They become suspicious... Expect, then, resistance when Sean Bean, ITV’s sometime Captain
Independent Heart of darkness Paul Vallely 12 Oct 02 pic: Sean Bean in rehearsal"Be Warned. Most people are disappointed when they get to the top," says Richard Oram... Macbeth, that accursed symbol of treachery and tyranny. The brooding Sean Bean, who opens this week...
Lifestyle mag (NZ) A Modest Act Sum 2002 (out Nov01) pics: (SB - blue jumper)In a rare interview, shy British Actor Sean Bean, who plays the part of Boromir in Lord of the Rings chats about his life and work with Winona Kent...
London Eve Std ES mag Bean there, done that Neil Norman 14 Dec 01 pics: (SB); Bean with his second wife; 3rd wife; daughters; Sharpe; GoldenEye;Sean Bean doesn't come out to play with the press much. Despite his being a card-carrying Brit movie star who command extraordinary fidelity among his legions of female fans..
Mirror Between two worlds...the movie star and the Sheffield lad who enjoys a few beers Claire Donnelly 27 Dec 2001 pics: (marriages) So young; Sham?; All over; Acclaim (Boromir) + old loaded picFriends tell why rings star Sean can't find lasting love... As warrior Boromir in The Fellowship of the Ring, Sean Bean has taken another step toward hollywood stardom and a
Independent on Sun SunReview Sean Bean - Man of Steel Simon Beckett 2 Dec 2001 If it's true that the type of car you have reflects your personality, then Sean Bean's current choice of vehicle speaks volumes. Since his BMW was stolen a few months ago he has been driving a battered old H-reg Vauxhall Nova...
Sunday Express Review Mag Bean there, done it Molly Marks 16 Dec 01 pic: (SB full face)Other articles! I was overjoyed when I won this role. I think it was meant to be: Film Review Wizardy to keep you: Playing Boromir in the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy has changed Sean Bean's life - and now he's set to be recognised i
The Compleat SB website Sean Bean: The Interview Winona Kent 9 Mar 2001 pics: DSAW studios; LOTR; EB; Sharpe and others including exclusive trailer photoWinona Kent's exclusive trailer interview, in Toronto... I'd met Sean Bean before, on a canal-side Manchesterstreet that was being used as a location...
Sheffield Star Confessions of a Besotted Blade Fri 20 Oct 2000 pics: 100% Blade: Sean's passion for his beloved SUFC; Heaven on earth: SeanGrowing up on a working class city estate is not for the faint hearted. From indulging in harmless high jinks such as crashing through neighbours’ orderly gardens after dark...
Sheffield Star How Sean got in on the act Thur 19 Oct 2000 pics: Funny faces: Sean as a drama student; Sharpe & with Mum.Series of 3 articles.HOW did a lad from the Sheffield suburbs, the son of a steel plater and secretary, get to become one of Britain’s hottest movie stars? In the first of three extracts from
Sheffield Star Heartbreak of lost loves Sat 21 Oct 2000 pic: Doomed to fail: Sean & Abigail; Leading Ladies: Abi, Sophie & Melanie.
This Is Sheffield Confessions of Bean the Besotted Blade 20 Oct 2000 Series of three articles.Growing up on a working class city estate is not for the faint hearted. From indulging in harmless high jinks such as crashing through neighbours’ orderly gardens after dark...
This Is Sheffield Sean Bean - the shy lad destined for stardom 19 Oct 2000 Series of three articles.HOW did a lad from the Sheffield suburbs, the son of a steel plater and secretary, get to become one of Britain’s hottest movie stars? In the first of three extracts from Laura Jackson’s new biography...
Sunday Times Do You Believe in Fairy Tales? 16 Jul 2000 pics: Bean: When I feel like complaining.../ EBoys/LOTRInterview with Sean) picture
OK freetime Where You From? You Essex-y Thing John Millar 21 Jul 2000 pic: 3/4 length; EB - with AK
Now Sean's third marriage is over Jared Martinez 26 Jul 2000 pic: Sean & Debra; Mel; Abi. E Boys pic; LOTR pic.
Sunday Post & mag Sean turns Nasty Alison Maloney 2 Jul 2000 pic: (front cover of mag); Sean & Abi; Sean - leather jacketActor Sean Bean has had the kind of life that movies are made of. A working class welder's son from Sheffield, he went from a job at his dad's workshop to lead roles with the Royal Shakespeare
Four Four Two Sean Bean Rachel Sullivan July 2000 pic: (full page) & smaller picExtra Time!
A quiet word with...
FHM Sean Bean Grub Smith Nov 99 pic: (another of the Battersea Power station shots). Different inset contents pageSean Bean. The pride of Sheffield mulls over going on coach holidays, court appearances and eating insects for monetary gain... Sean Bean. The northern terrier muses on f
The Times I'm not desperate to be a superstar Fri Jan 1 99 pic: "I think I've been misunderstood", says Bean "I might have mislead people..."He is arguably one of Britain's sexiest actors, makes a fine villain and has the nation's best-known bottom.
Daily Mail Weekend mag The tough guy's hardest role yet Annie Leask Sat 2 Jan 99 pic:(Sean on chair/Abi & Sean:Lady C: B2Z)Playing action men comes easy to Sean Bean - so his latest role as SAS man Andy McNab holds no fears. What makes the thrice married actor tremble, he tells Annie Leask is playing the part of a dad again.
Livewire (GNER) Yorkshire Bluff: Myth or Magic?/fc Yorkshire bluff Arthur Smith Oct/Nov 97 pics: front cover pic + hotel pic mag given away at King's Cross/on the trains long-distance.
If the clichés are true, then Yorkshire is populated by blunt, no-nonsense individuals like Sean Bean...
Independent Tabloid mag Dashing Blade/fc Sean Bean How I handled Anna Karenina Janie Lawrence Thur 22 May 97 pics: nice colour pic; interview + Anna K mentionSean Bean reaches for some toast and begins to spread the butter, his hand curled bear-like round the knife handle as he does so. As spreading techniques go it's probably not one shared by most other membe
The Times Mag Northern Exposure/fc Northern Light Sat May 10, 97 pics: front cov full page pic Sean's face; + leather chair + others. 3 pages
Woman's Own I won't live in Hollywood because of Love/fc I don't always get the girl May 12, 97 2 page article; inc col pics, old & new.
Now Sean: definitely not one of your new men 1 May 97 2 pages, large pic (fleecy jacket) + 3 others, inc 1 GEye, Sean + Abi, S + Melp 36 & 37
Daily Telegraph Bean Jumps Ship for Hollywood David Rennie Dec 3 96 text only
Radio Times The Middle Class Woman's Bit of Rough? Andrew Duncan May 11, 96 He arranged his honeymoon around the football fixtures, and his love for Sheffield United could cost him his marriage. He may be a heart-throb but what woman would take on Sean Bean?
Impact The Sean Thing John Mosby May 96 Britain is striking back with its own breed of tough heroes. John Mosby was invited for an exclusive interview with Sean Bean, who has been scoring goals on the big screen, and is about to soldier back onto our television screens in a new series of S
Goal Adventures on the Reels of Steel Adrian Thrills Apr 96 Pics.Set in Sheffield, When Saturday Comes is a football film with a difference - it's good. Goal meets up with its tattooed star and 100 per cent Blades fan, Sean Bean

plus a front page from the
magazine advertising a related article in Loaded.
Inside Soap The Other Mr Bean/fc Inside soap - Sharpe Shooter! Sean fights off women 20 Apr-3 May 96 pics: front cover col pic, +small col pics Sean, Chosen MenSean's looking sharp in his swashbuckling new series.
Loaded Beano!/fc Bean There where? up there, look SB that's him Roger Morton Mar 96 pic: front cover + articleAfter bedding down with Tinsel Town's finest, and battering 007, what's left for Sean Bean? Footie, of course...
Empire Profiles: Sean Bean - Yorkshire Lad Caroline Westbrook Apr 96
Sky Magazine On Me 'Ead son/fc Georgeous Movie stars: Sean Bean Emma Forrest Mar 96 pics: (3 vg of Sean, article). Front cover mention & small pic contents pageSean Bean. A bona fide British film stud who says he is happiest with his wife and kids and playing footie in the park. Emma Forrest on the double life of the people's James B
She Why Sean Bean Wants His Wife to Stay at Home Sally Beck Mar 96 His hard man image has made him a screen heart-throb oozing masculinity and rugged charm. But in real life is Sean Bean sexy or just plain sexist?
The Weekly News So How Does Sean Wow Millions of Women?/fc S Bean What's his secret Feb 3, 96 pics:He's an ordinary-looking working class lad with a & £1.63 tatoo dedicated to Sheffield United on his shoulder.
La Vista (Croydon local) On the ball Beany Feb 26, 96 pics: (SB) + large caricature. Anwar Bret,Interview.
London Evening Standard ES Sean to be wild Neil Norman 16 Feb 96 pic: A5 b/w pic of SB at Battersea Power Station leaning on an old Citroen DS (Friday ed)
Yorkshire Post Blades Runner Tony Earnshaw & Eric Roberts Feb 24, 96 pics: Clean fun; & Emily Lloyd, etc.,
Sunday Mirror Supplement And Bean Scores Again Christopher Kenworthy Feb 26, 96 Pic: Sean at Bramall Lane.In his latest film, premiere hunk Sean Bean finally achieves his childhood goal - to play for his beloved team, Sheffield United
Independent on Sunday A match made in heaven Suzi Feay 18 Feb 96 (the Sunday Review)Sean Bean, romantic lead, is delighted to get back to his roots in his latest part - a Sheffield football player. Suzi Feay blows the whistle on a perfect piece of casting
Daily Telegraph When Nudity is Part of Contract/fc SB dreaming of football Jan Moir Mon Feb 26 96 pics: b/w pic + small col pic on front cover.
Daily Telegraph Blade with a sharp edge can't wait to be back with the lads Sue Mott Sat Jan 6 96 see also Devoted Blade with a Sharpe edge/Hollywood star shows mark of respect for days of Bovril and boot boys in Sheffield
Weekly Telegraph Devoted Blade with a Sharpe Edge Sue Mott Jan 10-16, 96 see also Blade with a sharp edge can't wait to be back with the lads/Hollywood star shows mark of respect for days of Bovril and boot boys in Sheffield
Electronic Telegraph Hollywood Star Shows Mark of Respect for Days of Bovril & Boot Boys Sue Mott Jan 8, 96 see also Devoted Blade with a Sharpe edge/Blade with a sharp edge can't wait to be back with the lads
People Mag (US) Bond Boy/Sex God or Bean Rag? Karen Schneider & Nancy Jo Sales Dec 11, 95
Mail on Sun Night & Day Villain of the Year Brian Viner Dec 31, 95 A square-jawed Bond baddie with an aitch-free Sheffield accent. What could be more sinister?
Woman's Weekly Meet the Real Sean Bean Chris Kenworthy. Dec 19, 95 pics.He's everybody's favourite TV hard man yet, in real life, Sean Bean's a real softie who likes nothing more than playing with his kids.
Express on SunClassic Mag Straight as Steel/fc Tales from the Dales Sally Staples Jul 9, 95 pics: lovely pic of Sean front page; + insideSean Bean came late to acting, and maybe that's why he makes it seem so easy. Can he act? Does he need to? What you see in the down-to-earth no-nonsense Sharpe is, it seems, the real thing.
Living New Man? No chance!/fc Sean Bean - sexy or sexist? Marianne Gray May 95 nice pixWhat is it about Sean Bean that makes him so sexy? Marianne Gray postpones her swoon long enough to ask some questions!
TV Times This Time He Keeps His Clothes On!/fc Sharpe to the rescue Stafford Hildred May 28-Jun 3, 94 Nice full page pic. + front coverDespite a string of sexy roles, Sean Bean says stripping off makes him squirm. He's much happier with a sword in his hand as 18th-century action man Sharpe.

Daily Mail The naked truth about Sean Bean Lester Middlehurst Mon May 23, 94 pics: Bean with Joely Richardson; Screen idol: Actor Sean Bean
Today Lady Chatterley's lager lover 13 Apr 94 pics: (several)
Daily Express Sat Review Sean Bean: Screen lover 1 of boys/fc More than a Sex machine Wendy Oberman 16 Apr 94 pics: 2 colour, inc front pageSean Bean has taken up a lot of column inches in his 34 years...
Daily Mirror TV Weekly Seeing tiny Natalia made me realise how much I missed my own Baby/fc Sharpe&Soft May 21-27, 94 Pics Sean, Natalia, Hakeswill & Lorna & Molly. Front cover: (Sean as Sharpe)He set hearts aquiver with his sexy smile and daring nude scenes in Lady Chatterley...
Separate box with an article about Assumpta Serna.
Two page spread, pages 8 & 9
GQ (British edition) Mr Bean/fc The Northern Soul of Sean Bean Jessica Berens Nov 93 He can be brooding, volatile and intense, but Jessica Berens discovers that despite Sean Bean's bodice-ripping screen act, this Nineties Heathcliffe prefers Sheffield United and suburbia.
Time Out Rogue Male May 26-Jun 2, 93
Sunday Times The Mag Sean Bean Chrissy Iley April 25, 93 pics: Lovely Pics!Mean and moody, television's maverick sex symbol is back in two very different roles. Chrissy Iley meets Sean Bean, anti-hero and screen cad.
More Homeboys 25 Nov-8 Dec 92 pic: (old PR photo)
Daily Mail Top Gun Bean Goes for Gold Moira Petty Nov 13, 92 Terrorist Sean turns to crime as Hollywood beckons.
Radio Times The Innocent and the Rake/fc Clarissa David Shannon 23-29 Nov 91
Yorkshire Post Nice guy behind Mr Nasty Bob Driscoll 31 Aug 91
Guardian Bean and the Goth John Mulholland 20 Aug 90 pic: Sean Bean rehearsing for Kiling the Cat
Blitz Sean Bean:Actor John Hind Feb 89 pic; (SB holding ball up)"Three plays a night...tiny dressing rooms...really greeet!"
Vogue (US) Men and their Children J. Kaplan May 1988 Vol 178 pic: (SB, nice)nice pic of Sean and Lorna when she was a baby
pages 294-296
The Times But Was He Just Playing? Apr 7, 86 Interview with Sean Bean.
Yorkshire Post Called to the Bard Michael Hickling 21 April 86 pic: Niamh Cusack as Juliet & Sean B as Romeo in a "modern" version
Coventry Evening Telegraph Rebels who are bright young stars Peter McGarry 25 Apr 86 pics: Two who rebelled: Sean Bean and Niamh Cusack as Romeo & JulietStratford's new Romeo and Juliet are played by two sparkling young talents who have both staged their own private rebellion.
Sheffield Star Rising actor Sean lands role at the top Geoff Kemp 8 Apr 86 pic: Sean Bean - set for his big night 'I would have loved to have played for Sheffield United but at the moment it's looking like I've done the right thing'
Observer colour sup Stratford's new romantics Lesley Thornton 6 Apr 86 pic. (SB)The RSC's new Romeo & Juliet - Sean Bean and Niamh Cusack - talk to...
Telegraph Sunday Mag Juliet was a flautist, Romeo was a welder 13 Apr 86 pic: A new Romeo and Juliet - Sean Bean and Niamh Cusack
The Times But Was He Just Playing? April 7, 86 pic. Interview with Sean Bean.



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