Bibliography - Shopping |
Please note: this is only a list of articles and reviews.
It isn't an archive of the actual articles.
To see text versions of some articles, please refer to the link
to the press archive for the relevant topical page.
These articles may represent only major reviews or pieces about
the subject.
Empire | Shopping | Jul 94 | |
Film Review | F. Maurice Speed | 94-5 | |
Film Review | Alan Jones | Jul 94 | |
Hollywood Reporter | Corman: 'Shopping' for art houses | Doris Toumarkine | Apr 10, 95 |
Hollywood Reporter | Film Review | Dwayne Byrge | Jan 25, 94 |
Interview | Movie column - Shots in the dark | Graham Fuller | Apr 94 |
New York Times | A Walk on the Wild Side | Stephen Holden | ?90 |
Newsday | Prowling, Once Again With Alienated Teens | John Anderson | 2 Sep 96 |
Sight & Sound | Shopping | Ben Thompson | Jul 94 |
Sight & Sound | 'Shopping' and youth | Bea Campbell | Jul 94 |
Time Out | Kevin Maynard | Feb 7-14, 96 |
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