Jorge works as a disc-jockey in a Lisbon night-club. The owner, Queiroz, is also the chief of a network of diamond trafficking. He is a complex and dangerous man, whose only weakness is an uncontrolled passion for Claudia, an ex-lover who returns to Lisbon unexpectedly. Jorge will also fall in love with Claudia. And that will inexorably draw him to a world of jealousy, treasons and lies, a world whose rules he ignores. But Claudia knows it well, and seems to enjoy playing a dangerous game with the men that love her. A game that will end in violence. But Jorge will play it. To the bitter end. |
Although, in some reference documents, both Sean and Polly Walker are listed as appearing in this film, a close viewing one of the rare copies of Bis Zum... (in Portugese) fails to uncover any sign of either of them. All the other actors who were originally cast - Peter Sattman, Laura Morante and Simon de la Brosse - are listed on the video sleeve.... plus Joao Grosso, who wasn't originally listed among the cast members. |
PRODUCTION CREDITS: Produced by.......................Salinas Filmproduktion Um Producoes Alert Film PCA Country...........................Germany/Portugal/France Directed by.......................Joaquim Leitao Screenplay........................Joaquim Leitao ..................................Stuart Cooper Production Year...................20 Nov 1989 English Title.....................To The Bitter End |
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