Bis Zum Bitteren Ende

To the Bitter End

Ao Fim da Noite

Last Update: 27 November 1999
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Jorge works as a disc-jockey in a Lisbon night-club. The owner, Queiroz, is also the chief of a network of diamond trafficking. He is a complex and dangerous man, whose only weakness is an uncontrolled passion for Claudia, an ex-lover who returns to Lisbon unexpectedly.

Jorge will also fall in love with Claudia. And that will inexorably draw him to a world of jealousy, treasons and lies, a world whose rules he ignores. But Claudia knows it well, and seems to enjoy playing a dangerous game with the men that love her. A game that will end in violence. But Jorge will play it. To the bitter end.

Although, in some reference documents, both Sean and Polly Walker are listed as appearing in this film, a close viewing one of the rare copies of Bis Zum... (in Portugese) fails to uncover any sign of either of them.

All the other actors who were originally cast - Peter Sattman, Laura Morante and Simon de la Brosse - are listed on the video sleeve.... plus Joao Grosso, who wasn't originally listed among the cast members.


Produced by.......................Salinas Filmproduktion
                                  Um Producoes
                                  Alert Film
Directed by.......................Joaquim Leitao
Screenplay........................Joaquim Leitao
..................................Stuart Cooper
Production Year...................20 Nov 1989
English Title.....................To The Bitter End

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