Blood Donor Ads

Last Update: 15 September 2003

Birmingham Evening Mail
January 5, 1999
TV star to lead plea for blood donors
A NEW television advertisement aimed at recruiting more blood
donors was launched today, featuring the voice of Sharpe star Sean
The advert shows a young woman on a train and explains that she is
about to save someone's life.
Viewers then see shots of an operation taking place and Bean is
heard saying: "Yesterday she gave blood".
At present only 5-6 per cent of the eligible population gives blood,
and the advertisement is part of a wider campaign to attract more
The campaign compares ordinary everyday activities with the act of
donating blood.
Press advertisements include photographs of people saving a
parking fine, saving time by just catching a bus, saving money in a
supermarket and saving a goal at a football match. This is
contrasted with a blood donor who has just saved a life.
Wimbledon goalkeeper Neil Sullivan was helping to mark the
campaign launch by meeting two young patients who have received
life-saving transfusions.
Junior health minister Baroness Hayman said: "Every day 10,000
units of blood are needed by hospitals in England and Wales.
Recruiting new blood donors, and encouraging repeat donations, is
crucial to the work of the NHS.
"I cannot stress how important it is for more people to become
regular blood donors. It takes an hour of your time, just two or three
times a year, to become a lifesaver."
Anyone aged 17-60 who is generally fit and healthy can give blood.
A hotline number for people wanting to enrol as donors has been
issued by the National Blood Service: 0345 711 711.

One of Sean's lines from the blood donor ads:
"This woman is about to save someone's life...Yesterday she gave blood...
Do something amazing today...Call 0345 711 711 today. Please".
These ads were run again in February 2000.


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