Sean Bean has a reputation in Britain
as being a bit of a lad. He's
classically trained as an actor (RADA and the Royal Shakespeare
Yet he's known for his love of soccer, and spending a certain
of time down the pub.
So it's fun to see him reincarnated
slightly as a SNAG (sensitive
new age guy.) You can catch him this weekend in "Flightplan"
Jodie Foster. She plays the designer of a swanky new jetliner
is about to head off on its maiden flight. She leaves her daughter
sleeping for a few moments after the plane takes off, only to
the little girl has disappeared when she returns. Bean plays
plane's captain, who is increasingly covinced the girl may not
actually exist.
We will also get to see Sean Bean in
"North Country" playing Frances
McDormand's husband.
One of the strange deals about the radio
business is that people
call you up and say 'Hey do you want to talk to so-and-so later
today?" We got one of those calls, and I suddenly found
chatting with Sean Bean.
I have no idea where he was, and I know
I was just one in a series
of 10 minute interviews he was doing back-to-back. Frankly he
was a
little rote at first, but once we got going he warmed to his
and then really took off when we started
talking about his
trip to Minnesota.
I know I keep talking about how much
North Country will shake people
up in the Land of 10,000 lakes, but I really think it will. It
interesting to hear his take on that too.