Neil Warnock's Christmas Radio Show

Last Update: 30 January 2003

Source: BBC Radio Sheffield

Tuesday, 31 December, 2002
Neil Warnock's Christmas radio show

Neil Warnock: Blades boss and DJ!

Blades boss Neil Warnock took to the airwaves on Monday night's Football
Heaven - with his annual Christmas radio show!

Following on from previous years, and a season which has seen Chris Turner
and Ronnie Moore star on air, Neil Warnock took over BBC Radio Sheffield for
two hours in a special Football Heaven!

He talked about the beautiful game with South Yorkshire colleagues Chris
Turner, Ronnie Moore and Glyn Hodges, caught up with superstar Blades fan
Sean Bean - and even had a chat with Football Heaven living legend, Jason!

Part 1:
Neil talks to Glyn Hodges about keeping your spirits up, Chris Turner about
surviving difficult times, and almost makes Sean Bean late on stage as they
chat about Macbeth, pubs, the Academy and adrenaline!


Click here to listen to the interview.



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