
Last Update: 21 March 2001

Who is this man and why is he dancing?
(see below for answer)

A curious entry surfaced in a book detailing past productions of Hamlet in London. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the book, but I do have photocopies of the pages. The above picture appeared with the caption: Sean Bean in Ingmar Bergman's production (Royal National Theatre) 1987.

There was a production of Hamlet at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm in December 1986. There were 87 performances, including 27 guest performances - 7 in Sweden, 3 in Florence, 5 in London, 7 in New York and 5 in Moscow.

A source familiar with the National Theatre in London has confirmed that the Royal Dramatic Theatre of Stockholm's production of Hamlet directed by Ingmar Bergman played in the Lyttleton Theatre at the National from 10-15 June 1987. It was a touring production - and the cast were
all Swedish.

The play itself falls into a gap in Sean's working schedule - he had just finished a season with RSC (Romeo and Juliet, The Fair Maid of the West, A Midsummer Night's Dream), which ended in March 1987. He would not begin filming Stormy Monday until July 1987.

However, some research into the Swedish actors known to have performed in the Bergman production of Hamlet leads to the conclusion that this is actually a photo of Peter Stormare and not Sean Bean.

(Thanks to Abbie and Jana for their unparalleled digging skills, and to Andreas Olofsson for definite confirmation.)

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