National Treasure - Press Archive - Dark Horizons


Author: Garth Franklin
Source: Dark Horizons
January 16, 2004

Whilst the surname Cage isn't exactly a common one, in entertainment
land it pops up often enough that its justified a movie news item of its
very own.

First up the most famous Cage on the planet, Nic Cage is hard at work
on the Jerry Bruckheimer mega-budget actioneer "National Treasure"
about a hidden treasure which can be found from clues hidden within
the original U.S. Constitution document. Today 'Babbling Brook' revealed
details of the very elaborate sounding ending sequence being shot right
now - SPOILERS ahead so turn away if you don't want to know:
"Jerry Bruckheimer Films is shooting a scene for "National Treasure" the
last week of January in the frigid, high plains of Utah. Nicolas Cage's
character and others are trekking in the Antarctic to find an 18th Century
ship. They find it frozen 20ft down in ice and the ship is quite dilapidated.
They accidentally set the ship on fire, which ignites the gunpowder and
the ship is blown to smithereens".


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