Coronation Street
Last Update: 29 Jan 2006
At the end of January 2006, a number of press sources reported that Sean
might be considering a role in the long-running UK prime-time soap,
Coronation Street
Typical of these stories was the following, at
Manchester Online
Thu, 26 Jan 2006
Film star Sean's shock ambition
HOLLYWOOD heart-throb Sean Bean could soon be playing a new role
romancing the ladies of Weatherfield - after revealing a secret ambition
to play a milkman in Coronation Street.
Lord Of The Rings star Sean, 46, let slip his burning desire to tread Corrie's
cobbles in a recent interview saying "I don't get to watch much TV, but
I do like Coronation Street.
"Sir Ian McKellen was on that, wasn't he? Maybe I could do that."
Asked who he would like to play on the long running soap, he said:
"Oh I don't know, the milkman."
Sheffield-born Sean, an ex-welder, joins a long list of actors and
entertainers keen to appear on the show including Julie Walters,
Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Corrie bosses haven't ruled out a dream role for the Sharpe star. A
spokesman for the hit soap, said: "We would never rule out Sean
Bean coming into the show because he is a solid, well respected
Northern actor with a lot of experience and talent.
"But the role would have to be right for him and for us.
"It's fantastic he's a fan of the show and we do have cameos from
time to time so there is no reason to think it may never happen, it is
always a possibility."
If he does get a chance to shine on the cobbles, he will be following
in the footsteps of his Lord Of The Rings colleague Sir Ian McKellen,
pictured. He played Gandalf in the hit trilogy and later played dodgy
author Mel Hutchwright.
Other stars who have appeared in the show include Peter Kay,
Patrick Stewart, Sir Ben Kinglsey and Joanna Lumley, to name but a few.
And the women of Weatherfield had better watch out if he does show
up on a float clutching a bottle of full cream milk.
The soap's spokesman said: "He'd make a fantastic milkman, and I am
sure the ladies of Weatherfield would be delighted to see him on their
doorstep every morning."
The origin of the Coronation Street quote was an article in Cosmo-UK, which
you can read
In the context of the original article, Sean's comment can be seen in light
of the general question-and-answer "banter" that made up the entire article.
A spokesman for Sean has stated, as of January 29, 2006: "Sean has
no plans to star in
Coronation Street
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