Rumours |
Welcome to the Rumours Page. Here you will find a virtual cornucopia of things which might have been; things which were at one point but which are no longer; things which I'm just not quite sure about.... There are any number of reasons why an actor's name suddenly becomes associated with a particular project. Perhaps the film-makers are trying to drum up a little publicity for their yet-to-be-cast blockbuster; perhaps they're after another actor for another role, and hope that by associating this actor with this role, that actor will come on board too. Conversely, they might actually want that actor for this role, and are putting the pressure on for him to sign - or else it'll go to this actor instead. If you follow me. Sometimes it's just a case of mischief on the Internet; sometimes wishful thinking on the part of enthusiastic fans. Occasionally well-meaning people will get their facts wrong. Occasionally negotiations fall through... projects lose their funding...plans change. Here, then, are The Rumours, in alphabetical order. |
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