SUFC Plaque

Last Update: 31 March 2000

Photographs courtesy of Flashing Blade

 Sean Bean unveiling the plaque at 10 Norfolk Row, on Friday, 30th June 1995, commemorating the founding of Sheffield United Football Club.

On Friday, June 30th, 1995, Sean unveiled a plaque in Norfolk Row, in the centre of Sheffield, on the spot where Sheffield United Football Club was formed in 1889.

Cash for the plaque was raised by members of the Blades Independent Fans Association (BIFA).

Click on the thumbnails below to see the larger pictures.






What the plaque says:

The City of Sheffield
10 Norfolk Row

In this building on the evening of 22 March 1889 the Committee of Sheffield United Cricket Club met with senior officials from the Sheffield Football Association. in the office of Club Secretary Mr Joseph Wostinholm, and decided to form a new football club for the 1889-90 season. The club would play on the Bramall Lane ground.

The next day an advertisement in the Sheffield morning newspapers invited professional players to send their testimonials and particulars to Mr Wostinholm by 30 March 1889.

Sheffield United Football Club was born.

This plaque has been sponsored by the Blades Independent Fans Association.


Click on the image to see the larger picture.

Flashing Blade is an independent fanzine. For further details please contact:

Mr M Bell
4 Cross Myrtle Road
Sheffield, S2 3EL

The issue these photographs appeared in is no longer available, but Flashing Blade can be viewed at the Local Studies Library, Sheffield; the Manchester Institute for Popular Culture, Rosamund Street, Manchester and at the British Library, Boston Spa, near Wetherby.

Flashing Blade is available to buy in some Sheffield shops, including The Sportsman on match days, a few shops in Manchester and Leeds, and by mail order from Scottish Zine Scene.

Please email for further details.



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